Darkest dungeon best party for hag
Darkest dungeon best party for hag

darkest dungeon best party for hag

Reference to the setup being the first many players will form, and possibly the film of the same name. (* For example, "Antiques Roadshow" (4 Antiquarians) has very low damage output and healing potential - surviving through even one battle may prove a challenge, depending.) Party Name

darkest dungeon best party for hag

These combinations are not necessarily all recommended as the "best" party for a specific quest, nor even as necessarily "strong" combinations a few may prove more clever than practical* - use at your own risk. These names are entirely cosmetic and grant no gameplay benefit whatsoever. The Heroes must be in the exact order shown below, but can be of any level. Some specific Party Combinations will trigger a unique name to be displayed above the party icons.

Darkest dungeon best party for hag